Electric Meat Grinder
This classic tool has two applications in the molecular biology area:
1) Preparing large amounts of tissue (100g - >1 kg) for subsequent fast and complete cell lysis using a BeadBeater, ultrasonicator, rotor-stator homogenizer, or high shear press.
2) recovering large quantities of viable single cells following incubation of the dispersed tissue in proteolytic enzymes that break down the extracellular matrix.
The meat grinder reduces fresh muscle and animal organ tissue to pieces about 1 mm in cross-section. The cutting action of the slowly rotating blades is much like the action of a pair of scissors. During this relatively gentle tissue dispersion process a high proportion of tissue cells remain intact and viable.
Specifications :
- Powered by a 250 watt electric motor, 120 VAC
- Three grinding plates for fine, medium and coarse grind
- All metal head and feed tray
- Grinds up to a kg per minute of cut meat
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